Missions at
calvary chapel of Philadelphia
We view missions as an extension of the local church.
Therefore, whenever possible, our desire for missions is to see churches planted from which other forms of outreach (such as orphan care, medical clinics, schools, etc.) would then flow out of. We do realize, however, that this is not always possible in every situation. In such cases the overall mission remains the same -to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and make disciples. This must be the main focal point of any mission or missionary that we support.

Julianne Heilman
Julianne is serving as the Director of Asifiwe Child Care Ministries in Entebbe, Uganda, where she has lived since 2013. She oversees the care of orphaned and abandoned children and a ministry team of house mothers and staff. Asifiwe is an established NGO in Uganda and a 501(c)3 non-profit in the US.
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose”