I’ve just received an email from David and Deborah Markey who are serving the unreached Nanet people group in the Northern Siberia/Arctic Circle area of Northern Russia. Here are some prayer requests from them as they have just gotten back to the area from furlough. Let’s remember these requests and ask that the Light of Jesus would shine brightly to those that are in such darkness in their area.
“We wanted to write and ask that you would be in prayer for David this week. An opportunity came up this past Sunday for him to take a 4 to 6 day trip into the tundra to help deliver a 4-wheeler to someone. They left yesterday afternoon, and are expected to be back either Friday or Saturday.
Please pray:
– That this would be a fruitful trip to reach the Nanet’s
– That David would be able to make contacts with people for future visits
– For opportunities, and boldness in sharing the gospel
– For the salvation of those that he will come in contact with
On Sunday the church here had an open mic time at the beginning of the service to allow members to share what they have done this summer (many had just returned from trips to the tundra to see family, etc.). During this time there were accounts of at least 4 people that church members knew who had either drowned (because they were drunk), or who had committed suicide this summer. It was such a strong reminder that the people here in Yamal who do not know Christ are in darkness, without hope, they are dying without the saving knowledge of Christ. We so desperately want to have more opportunities to share the good news with people here, please be praying that the Lord would open doors for us to do so.
Thank you for your prayers dear friends.
David, Deborah, Abigail and Selah”