So yesterday we visited the central hospital of Ndola, where we got to go to the orthopedics ward and minister to about 20 individuals. We gave them some card thatwe wrote out with our favorire scriptures, and got to encourage them, share the gospel with them, and pray for them. Some excpeted Christ, and it was a great blessing on both sides. Later that day we went to the Children’s Hospital in Zambia and got tovisit in 2 seperate wards. We passed out toothbrushes and some candy, and we gave the mothers gifts as well. It was great to love on the kids, as well as to pray for the mothers there and encourage them in the Lord.

Today we spent most of the morning and into the afternoon witnessing i n the marketplace by CC Ndola. We got the opportunit to share with many people, and many decisions for Christ were made. Pastr Ackson was there, and we got to plug the new believers together with him, so that they can start attending CC Ndola. Please pray for us as we go back there tomorrow, and hopefully continue to see much fruit there. Later this afternon, we will be sstudying the book of Daniel Chapter 7 – pray that it would continue to be an encouragement to the church, and that some people that we talked to at the market this morning would come out as well.

I’ll try to update in a couple days, but so far, it has been a great trup, and we are looking forward to what the Lord is going to conitue to do ther remainder of our time here, and also after we leave. Thanks again for all of the prayer – please keep them coming!