We are now on Zinga Island and this will be our home until Friday afternoon. Zinga island is a bit bigger and greener than the previous island, but the poverty remains. Packing up camp to move islands has proven to be more taxing than we thought! While the team was ministering to the people, Pastor Craig and I (Carlos) broke down camp and began to move everything to the big wooden boat that would carry us to the next island, only, we couldn’t find the boat! After finding the boat on the other side of the island (about an hour’s hike) and finding it with no key and having to get in and push it around the island back to camp with a pole, we made it! It has been a week of adventures, but the Lord is good and is doing so much work among the people here.
At yesterday’s medical clinic and today’s, we saw about 230 people each day. The Jesus film was shown and between that and ministering to the people waiting to be seen by the team, many people have gotten saved! The dental team continues to be very busy, pulling many teeth. Dr. Bado performed his first minor surgery, removing a cyst from a man’s neck. God has been so faithful in providing all of the teams needs as they minister. Everyone had a chance to go out into the village which is about 5 miles away and invite more people to tomorrow’s clinic. We pray we will see more people helped and more people saved.
Our plan is to stay on Zinga island and after tomorrow’s clinic, we will stay another night. On Friday we will pack up camp and head to our last island for one more clinic before we head back to Entebbe. Saturday is our team’s day to rest and reflect on all God has done. We are really looking forward to showers and mattresses!
Thank you for your prayers! The Lord held back the rain the last two days! More prayer requests include:
// For no rain so we can not only minister effectively but that the people can get to the clinic
// The team’s health. I (Carlos) am sick with a cold so pray I can teach and do worship and that my voice doesn’t give out.
// Continued unity for the team
// Open hearts of the villagers that they will come to know Jesus as their Savior
// Safety in our travels